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Reliable Manufacturers Quality System is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified. Quality Assurance at Reliable Manufacturers starts with understanding the Customers Requirement and continues till the customer is completely satisfied with the delivery of products and services. Quality Control procedures are well defined and thoroughly implemented. At Reliable Manufacturers our employees adhere to and contribute to the efficiency of our quality system in every aspect of our business. Our commitment guarantees to provide our clients with uncompromising quality of products and service. This is achieved through a team approach where all the members are aware of the company objectives and work within their own discipline to make an effective contribution.

Incoming Inspection
Incoming Raw Materials are the foundation for the final product. We make sure that we start with the best raw materials. Our suppliers are well-informed with our quality requirements.The quality assurance system is guided by principles that support our unique working culture which incorporates respect, self management, open communication and creativity.

Raw Materials are inspected for:
- Physical and chemical properties, material which does not meet the required specification is rejected.

In-Process Inspection in melting process:
Samples are checked during melting process and during refining process. Heats are cast only when the required composition is met.

In-process Materials for Threaded Bars are inspected for :
- Dimensional properties such as tolerance, lobing, Out-of-roundness, length, straightness
- Inprocess Mechanical Properties such as Tensile, Elongation, Yield, Reduction of Area, Hardness at Core.
- Surface Finish

Finished Goods Inspection:
- One sample is collected from final product and analysed in spectro & Macro/ Micro Lab.
- Surface Finish
- Final Mechanical Properties
- Packing, Color Coding, Marking

The quality assurance system is guided by principles that support our unique working culture which incorporates respect, self management, open communication and creativity. All products of Reliable Manufacturers. have to meet a very high standard, set by stringent quality specifications and norms. All process parameters and conditions are developed and constantly monitored throughout the entire manufacturing process.

- Our key directive is complete customer satisfaction.
- We provide our customers with product and services that confirm to all requirements.
- We develop quality objectives at appropriate level to ensure those requirements are effectively addressed in our business.
- We are fully committed to continuous improvement as a strategic approach to achieve these quality objectives.

Our policy and associated quality objectives are reviewed and communicated to all employees on a regular basis.